So this is the conversation my 6 year old Sara had last night with my very best friends son Ethan.
E: Hi Sara, it's me - - Ethan.
S: Oh, hello Eefan (she still can't say Ethan)Whatcha doin'?
E: ooooohh nothing. (Very long pause)
S: HEEEELLLLLOOOO? Are you there?
E: Yeah, Im here.
S: So... what are you doing?
E: ooooooh nothin'. (Another long pause ensues)
S: So, didja want to tell me something?
E: Yeah...
S: Sooo.....
E: Remember when you were at my house the other day (Like 3 months ago) and you were sayin somethin to your mom about growin up and marryin' me?
S: (With huge smile) Yeeeeessssss...
E: Well, guess what?
S: What?
E See, I had this girlfriend - - her name was Payton. But she broke up with me.
S: Uh oh...
E: yeah, so I really like you.
S: I know... (So nonchalently)
E: So... will you be my girlfriend?
S: (with no hesitation or pause) Sure!
E: You will?
S: Okay Eefan. I'll talk to you later. Bye
My baby has a boyfriend. Awwwwww. Ali and I are trying to figure out when we can go pick out the china patterns now.
Best line of the night? It came from my 14 year old daughter. "GAWD, I am so jealous! I'm in 8th grade and I don't have a boyfriend yet but Sara is only 6 and SHE has one. It's SO UNFAIR!"
Aaaaaaand the drama continued!
Sara runs in screaming "MOM, Balemtimes (thats Valentines)Day is comin'! I HAVE to start on my card for EEfan NOW!!
How do I know the content of the entire telephone conversation? Speakerphone, of course !!
(The pic is of Sara and Ethan with their friend Colton
That's the funniest, cutest conversations I've heard in ages. I'm not too sure about this Ethan character though - he sounds a little suspicious. We may need to do a background check immediately :)
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your comment. I was happy to hear that you agreed with me!
Alright you two - - I have known this kid since before he was born so lay off of my Eefie. He's a good little boy!!! But it took him a lot of time to come around to the fact that Sara was the best for him!! LOLOLOL
That, and you know Allison will kick your "badonkeydonk" for talking about her baby like that Monty! ;)
ALLLLLLLRIGHT NOW! Wait just a good gosh darn minute!
Its not Paytons fault her parents are squares and think that shes waaaaay to young for a boyfriend, which would be the reason for the break-up! LOL. That means that its not Ethan whos the bad one...
Hey Gordo! You jelous? Jeromy is....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.
As far as background checks go I can help you out with that....Once he threw up in class, but that was pre-K. And he once stole a candy bar from Wal-Greens, but his conscience got the best of him and, well me too, and he quickly returned it and apologized. He has thus far no criminal record. Also his credit is great provided he has none. He has also saved ten dollars for a gift for Sara and is excited to buy her something nice...LOL...Monty you of all people can appreciate a young man who knows how to treat a lady to ice-cream and a flower.....hee hee hee hee.....Love you guys!
What? I never get ice cream and flowers... damn
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