I used to make fun of people who has little things that they did, be it from nerves, anxiety, whatever - as nervous ticks. Not really "make fun", just stare adn try to figure out WHY they do it. For example, my old boss would pop her knuckles over and over - incessantly until she drove me right out of the office. My brother will look up to the right - - all the time - why? I really don't know, he just always has. Is there something there? No. Something in his eyes? No! It's his TICK. My daughter Amber, cannot complete a sentence without using the word "like" 50 times. It's her tick.
I've never had a tick... until now.
I just realized it today. You want to know what I do? I freaking pick at the skin on my left hand thumb with my first finger! Eww. I know. I actually made myself bleed once. Why do I do this? It's like I can't think without doing this.
I need a program - - at least 12 steps.
So... what's your tick? C'mon, tell. I won't make fun. ;)
1 comment:
That's funny. Ummm I have the same problem as your brother.
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