I went and had my hair done yesterday. Baaaack to the blonde. I swear, I am the palest Greek you'll ever meet. Wait, are there Albino Greeks? LOLOL. No, seriously, what is it about having your hair cut and colored that makes you feel so much prettier?? I'm a blonde (cue the jokes). I just can't pull off the red anymore - Much to my husbands chagrins. I was all excited about putting on my pink top and pink lipstick today. Blondes do pink better than any other. Geez, and I am only going to go to work for 3 hours today... LOL Monty took a picture of me with my pretty "color changing" (see last post) tulips and a close up. The man loves the closeups. They wont last much longer though. Momma's starting to see crows feet, etc... :(
Everyone in the family had their hair cut. Jin got about 3 inches cut off - - it was straggly. Monty about had to hold me down while she was cutting. I knew it needed to be done but it was like, the last of the cute little girl curls... gone. Wonder of wonders, she still has a little curl, but if shes anything like Sara it'll go straight in the next year. Maybe not... lets hope.
Oh, and apparently the problem with my husband's hair is not that he's just goofy, but that he uses the wrong product. He uses plain old gel, which sent our poor hairdresser reeling (so overdramatic). Of course, she had just the perfect product for him, for the bargain basement price of $$$$$$$. Puhleeze. He's a boy. He's certainly not metrosexual enough (although he does get mani's) to buy high priced, high falutin' "product" that takes a chisel to get out of his hair. She did give him a good cut though. SUCH the cutie.
Amber got Kelly Clarkson long layers. Teenagers...
Everyone else just got trimmed.
God, how sad IS my life right now? I'm going out this weekend. GOTTA have better stories than this.
Love it!! Very sexy :)
I LOVE your haircut! I have been looking for something to do with mine.
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