Sorry folks - - you have to endure a love letter to my husband...
Today you turn 34 years old, despite our daughters telling everyone you are 35.
You are more handsome, more sexy, funnier, wittier, smarter (need I go on) than the day I married you and I love you soooo much more today than then.
I am so proud of you and all that you are accomplishing in your life. You are the perfect example of persistance and doing what ever is needed for your family.
I love going to sleep next to you every night - even though as the years go by your snores get louder ;) and I love waking up next to you in the morning. I love that you love me exactly the way I look. I love that you think I am the best Mom in the world (boy, have I got you fooled). I love the idea of our getting to grow old together - and that I truly know just how awesome and important that is now. I love that you get ALL my silly jokes and never get offended by what I may say and that I can still laugh at your jokes, corny as they may be. I love that I can look in our daughters eyes and see you - and what a miracle that is for us - - you are there because their Daddy is the light of their lives.
You are growning in your years so gracefully. I love those little lines that you have around your eyes. They are there because of your smile. I love the gray hairs that are becoming more and more frequent in your hair and beard. They show wisdom and wisdom is not given but earned - - usually the difficult way.
I love that you would follow me anywhere on any of my tangents and never even raise a question. I love that you are there when I fall and there when I succeed, there when I laught and cry or worry about bills.
We've defined patients throughout our marriage, havent we? Patients with our inlaws, families, educations, "baby's mammas", DHS adoption, careers, etc. Amazing when you think about it all, huh? We've grown up together me and you - -
I love you my sweetheart. I thank God for you all the time. I pray that you will have a wonderful 34th year. A great year!
Yours always and forever,
offended again, huh? It was lightly and jokingly put. I was not planning to take you guys to the Maury show!
Some people!
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