My best friend said the other day that I never talk about my daughter Amber.
WHOOO, I can talk about her tonight!
She is driving me crazy... she thinks she can lie to me about anything. And the funny thing is that she thinks she is good at it. She actually thinks that we won't catch her.
For example, I have told her countless times that she is to NEVER use someone elses makeup. Period. Not even her sisters makeup! Monty took her purse away from her (story to come in a second) and it had all her makeup in it. Amazingly enough, she had makeup on when she got home from school! When she was asking about her purse, I said "Why are you so uptight about your purse?" She replied "Because it has all my makeup in it!" So I "innocently" said "Well, what make-up did you use today?" and knowing that she would get in trouble for using someone elses makeup she said "Oh this eyeliner was left over from last night. I didnt clean my face well enough. Guys, she had SO much freaking eyeliner on. HEAVY eyeliner... Kelly Clarkson heavy.
I did the obligatory Greek Mom raised eyebrow and saw the color drain from her face. (I love having this power) I said two words. "Try again".
"Um... (in a mousy, meek voice) it's Fayes eyeliner?" Like it was a question.
Geez oh Pete... this kid gave me another freaking wrinkle on my forhead tonight.
SO... the purse debacle.
My sister-in-law Maggie bought each of the girls those sequin purses that everybody is carrying for Christmas. Amber, wanting to be original like everyone else, begged for a silver sequin purse. That being said, Maggie was the belle of Christmas - at least in my daughters eyes.
Anyhoo, whats the rule Mom set forth 2 freaking years ago?
RULE #13
I swear I need a law degree just to make sure that all things are included.
So Amber comes in the other day from school and heads straight to her room. We're talkin bee-line, no talking, no dropping her crap at the front door. That is code for parents for "Something's up" .
I walk in to her room when she is not there, look around and notice a gold purse but nothing clicks in my head as wrong so I walk out.
As I am driving Rikki to Tae Kwan Do later that night, I say "Rik, I thought Aunt Maggie got you a copper sequin purse" She replied "She did Mom." So who's is the golden purse in question?? Rikki continued, "Amber traded purses with her friend at school until Friday. I told her she'd get in trouble for breaking the rules but she told me to shut up". Rikki, dear Rikki. THANK YOU for being such the tattletale.
I adore that about her. LOL
Monty came home, snuck into her room and stole her purse and hid it. She was freaking out - - With her "Ohmigawd, I like, just like, had my like purse like 2 hours ago. Like, I totally had it, I can't imagine like where it would like be."
We totally acted like we have no clue what she was talking about or why she was having an anneurism over her purse.
We let her sweat it out all day and evening today and finally gave it back to her - sans the stuff inside. She's grounded from it. Why you ask? Well, she's being a big fat liar right now for one. But the other reason? Because after having money stolen out of her purse on several occasions, her Daddy told her that she doesnt need to take her purse to school. It's not like she has a checkbook, car keys and an ID she needs to store. We're talking different colored pens, makeup and 27 different flavors of lip gloss. Teenage girls... God help me.
Okay, so for those of you that remember me when I was a teen and frequent my blog.
YES, I remeber doing the exact same kind of things when I was her age. I am not saying I am better or more righteous that my daughter. I am trying to raise her to be better that I was, leading to her being a better, smarter adult that I have been.
I guess I am failing miserably... pray for me. Better yet, pray for HER.
I'm just scared to death that I'll be doing this by myself - your children will end up wonderful because they have a great mother and father. I'm worried mine will end up in prison with just me raising them.
Please girl, mine could too. The thing is - you do the best that you can. Your children will still have free will and they will exercise it - trust me!
See? What is up with children trying to dole out htese small lies? Geez, make it worth the trouble you're going to get in!
See....Mom says we're getting paid back....I think shes a bitch for saying that...ergo, the reason she sleeps soundly at night now....
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