Today as we were walking out of church our youngest daughter Jin fell and scraped her knee. A total drama-fest began at that moment. It was... oh, I dunno - 40 below outside and there were, like... 125 mph straight line winds (I dont know where she gets this flair for the dramatic.) Anyway, her shoe fell off at which point she had only 1 useable foot so over she fell!
The wind was so bad and it was so cold that I scooped her up and ran (in boots with 2 1/2 inch heels)to the van. I grab the baby wipes that were in the car only to find that they were FROZEN. I warm it up in my hand and clean off the dirt and blood while my husbands cell phone is ringing, the girls are arguing, Sara is asking me 10 questions and Jin is screaming bloody murder. Both sliding doors are open, making the van a virtual wind tunnel and I scream at everyone to sit down and shut up. This is ALL in the church parking lot...
I remembered that I had some antibiotic ointment in the diaperbag that I keep in the van for emergencies. So I go digging while Jin is accessing the deepest recesses of her vocal ability and people are staring at me in the lot. I guess they thought I was a baby beater. I find the ointment and guess what??? FROZEN. It took 2 minutes to thaw it enough to use it on her knee.
The screaming ensues...
She cried all the way to the hospital to see Monty's dad, freaked out when we got there because she thought we took her there for her knee and cried all the way through the freaking visit with Tom. We left the hospital early due to Princess Moodiness and her pity party and went to eat. She perked up and was happy for a while but when we got home, this 3 year old got on the couch and stayed there for about 2 more hours. Now, she is limping around the house like she broke it. This picture looks funny, but trust me, it's not broke people. It's hilarious. It is barely scraped and only a very little blood came out. While we were at the hospital I put some bandages on it. Poor little gimp.
It's very offical looking.
I am so glad I have girls. They really are the best. Drama and all...
Oh man I can just see it now!! Yeh, girls are such drama mamas :)
I want to see this "romantic" card you got!
lol..the joys of motherhood huh :)
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