
Funniest thing I heard this weekend...

You know the Kanye West song "Gold digger"?

Now I aint sayin she a gold digger,
But she aint messin wit no broke niggaz.

There is a spoof song out right now - -
Now I aint sayin she a nose picker
But what she doin wit that forefinger?
Toooo funny. We've been singing it to my 3 year old nose picker all weekend. It's her tick. She always has her finger in her nose. GROSSSS. It's like she's too good for the 50 boxes of tissues we have around the freaking house.
Who can tell me how to get her stop? I'm open to suggestions.
Oh, and I got the lyrics to Gold digger off the internet. I don't normally spell like that... intentionally.

1 comment:

NeverEnough said...

Aha - I love the nosepicker version.