
Addiction, Addition and Admissions


My name is Joygirl...

and I am addicted to - -

flip flops.

15 pair... count 'em FIFTEEN!

This does not include the 7 or so pair that I make my daughters share with me as well...

I can barely walk into my closet right now because of flip flops. They litter the floor. My husband does not understand that each and every flip-flop is special to me. He's glad we have seperate closets.

I need a program... at leat 12 steps. And maybe some long-term therapy.

Oh, BTW, this very sick entry is my 100th blog entry! I wish I would have had a counter from the very beginning to see how many people have come on in.

I am blonde now...
Veeeery blonde.
Kelly Picklehead Pickler blonde.
I'm not sure how it happened. My cousin Melissa and I were just doing streaks - - Yeah.... streaks.
I'm a banana blonde.
Dang it.


NeverEnough said...

Congratulations on the 100th post!! Oh, I want to see pictures of the new blonde! You do look great as a blonde.

As for the flip flop addiction, I'll pray for you :)

fyrchk said...

I can only welcome you to Flip Floppers Anonymous with open arms.


hotdrwife said...


I see my favorite Fychk beat me to the comment ...

I was getting ready to type a comment about how Fyrchk and I have a sick (sick!!) addiction to flip-flop's.

I welcome you, too.

Joygirl1 said...

Yeah I just picked up another pair of flip flops... Shhhh dont tell the husband!