**Let me just say these are my OPIONONS only. I'm just having fun and hope I don't offend anyone on their choices***
Disclaimer inserted... lets move on. ;)
First off, the guy to beat in this season is
Chris Daughtry.
I am a rock girl. Love to see and hear the rock stars that make my heart flutter. Chris is already there. I can close my eyes and swear I hear him on the radio already! Last nights performance wasnt awesome but it was strong... he's sailing right into the top 12.
The other strong guys in this competiton are
Elliot, Ace and Gedeon.
Elliot really has the strongest voice of all the men, but daaaaaang, he's ugly to look at. He also has the "being 95% deaf in one ear" angle going on for him.
Ace. Well... Ace is really pretty to look at, but his falsetto gets on my nerves. (refer to the Joys a rock girl comment above). It's hard for me to listen to him. I will say thathis falsetto is strong and he at least uses it well. His lower register is awesome. I wish he'd use it more.
Gedeon has a niche that he's comfortable in. He uses it well and his voice is strong.
The so-so's are Taylor (gray hair) and Bucky (why the name?)
What was with Taylor's "wind-up dance" he did last night? It hurt!!!
Bucky blinks incessantly. Last week he kicked some country badonkeydonk singing Garth. This week? Eehhhh. It totally cracks me up that he has a twin brother... geez, more than one Bucky?
Gotta GO???
Will, bless his heart, is a good little singer, but not a star. His perfect job would be at Disney World. Seriously... he'd do great there!
Kevin, for a 16 year old, is a strong singer - - but goofy as heck to look at and painful to watch. Also, he's not mastered his lisp when singing. I went through years of training to get rid of my lisp... LOL
My predictions?
As long as they don't completly screw up the mens competition is between CHRIS AND ELLIOT.
Alright... have at me people. LOL
completely agree with you on who the best guys are.
I am very upset that Kevin made the top 12. I think that he just got sympathy votes. Hopefully he will be gone next week. He just can't hack it.
I am glad that I am not the only one who is so into this show :)
yeah, cause I'm Soooooo well known....
I'm so disappointed inAmerica concerning Kevin... that dork made it this far BECAUSE he's a dork...Gedeon should have been in the top 12 off of talent alone. His talent was much stronger than Bucky's.
I bet Bucky is out soon enough though.
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