My poor Husband... He is so sweet - - so earnest - - so clumsy.
Last night he decided that he would go out into the garage and attack the den of iniquities that has become his shop. You could not even find a wrench if you wanted to before, so I "ever so sweetly" asked that he straighten it up. It is a project that he has needed to start up for quite some time. He went out there full of energy and ready to go... go into a downward spiral that is... Things were going fine - - he cleaned it all up put a bunch of stuff into the cabinets that he installed last year, He moved a lot of things to where they are supposed to go in the drawers of his tool chests, it all look SO much better. He had time to spare right? He decided that he would do some work on his motorcycle. I was in here watching Son In Law (because Pauley Shore never stops being funny to me, call me a victim of the era I grew up in)when all of a sudden I hear the worse banging and clanging out in the garage. I jumped up and ran out to the garage to find my husband kicking and yelling at inanimate objects. There might have been a little cussing involved as well...
Come to find out, he reached up into his cabinet to get something and the whole cabinet came crashing off the wall. All of his neatly put away things? They poured out all over his work bench and floor. I went to see if I could possibly help, relieved that he was okay. There was one more cabinet up on the wall - one lonely cabinet that was standing strong up on the wall. He goes to move the fallen cabinets and the last cabinet falls - almost on his head. It was too funny. I started to chuckle but it was pissing him off so I went back inside.
There was quite a bit of banging and clanging coming from the garage for the next 45 minutes or so, and then he emerged from the garage - dirty and reaking of gasoline. Whatever - - all in all he seemed okay. I didn't have to duck and cover from the anger explosions! LOL
He was hungry. I told him we had some hotdogs left over from the grill the other day. He went in to the kitchen (after cleaning up of course) and gets to work. I was sitting in the office watching my movie and out of the corner of my eye I see him slinging a bottle of something. I look just in time to see him sling hotdog relish all over the tile. The splat seemed to echo. The silence was deafening. I quietly ask "Why did you sling that?" He replied "I dont know. I was trying to get it out of the bottle." I walk into the kitchen hoping to see a little blob of relish - - instead I saw about a 4 1/2 foot swath of it across the tile. This from my husband. My husband - - who has a Masters lever college education.
He is just looking at me with this dang it look on his face waiting for me to freak out on him for ruining my clean kitchen...
I started to laugh... I mean, laugh so hard I almost pee'd my pants. At first he was grumbling at himself but then he started to laugh as well. We were dying. What else could go wrong for him?? When stuff like this happens you just have to make the best of it and laugh - - right? Some days, you just can't get anything right.
SO we headed off to bed - call an end to this day and start off tomorrow, right?
But husband is not a quitter.
He rolled over and tries to start up "another project".
Okay, so maybe he can still do some things right... ;)
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