Yeaaaah... could that be more true?
So yesterday when the husband got home from work, the cable guy was here, the girls were all hyper from the fact that we ordered Pizza for dinner and Mom and Dad did not help the situation AT ALL...
We were just as hyper - - Not sure why. The cable guy must have thought we were a crazy family!
So back to the story... I went into the bedroom where Husband was changing clothes and we started teasing each other - - one thing led to another and the next thing I know he's chasing me through the house. We got to the living room and I hear my daughter say "Don't run in the house" in her most motherly tone. Just as I am thinking "Aw shut it Meem" WHAM!
I ran into the coffee table. HARD. REALLY HARD.
My knee hit it just right. you know - in that soft spot to the side of your knee cap? YEAH, that one.
I immediately fell onto the couch... tears springing forth, ticking me off even more. I have what looks like half a golf ball next to my knee cap and now I walk all gimpy.
My dear, sweet, compassionate husband could not stop laughing long enough to see if I was ok. Precious.
My three year old was the only compassionate soul in my house. She came and hugged on me and said "Is alright Mamma".
My "darling" teenagers mockingly said (again) "That's why you're not supposed to run in the house... MOM"
Lesson learned
What a funny story!
Kids . . . gotta luv 'em!
ROFLMAO! That was hilarious! Glad you're not hurt, though!
Ouch! I want a picture of the bruised knee.
Is that a prime example of "Do as I say, not as I do"?
'Cause my mom used to say that to me all the damn time.
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