I was already online when AI came on tonight so I decided it would be fun to make my comments as they were singing and then say whether I agree or disaggree with the judges... Here goes nothing...
Katherine - I Have Nothing - Loved the yellow dress - - DAMN she was hot tonight. She started out a little rocky and was a little off pitch but my oh my she nailed it. Loved the attitude. A little campy - overdramatic -just like Whitney.
I think the judges are being too rough on her! Are they even watching the show tonight? Yes, I agree that she was "pitchy" but I think she really pulled it off. Geez - - have they listened to Kelly Pickler at ALL this season? I swear if the judges wax on about Kelly tonight I will retch...
Elliot - A Song For You - What he needs is a bigger tie...Who is Donnie Hathaway? LOL! The lighting is incredible on him. Why does Elliot always seem so unsure of himself in his facial expressions? As usual, his vocals are incredible. He was phenomenal. First thing Elliot needs to buy when he makes it big? Porcelen Veneers.
Paula - suck it up with the crying for petes sake... I agree with the judges
Oh great - next is Kelly Picklehead.
Kelly - Unchained Melody - Dear God... If this dumb blonde does not go too the bottom three this week I SWEAR this show is 100% rigged. She should never have stood up on Ohhhh. She's sharp, flat sickening as usual and she stank up the stage. That was painful...
Hello the high note sucked Randy... Go ahead Paula - tell her she sucked. FINALLY Simon was honest. She was henious. There is a picture of her next to the work henious in the dictionary now...
Paris - Memories - Sweetie - - black girls should not sing Barbara Streisand...
I disagree with the judges - - she pulled it off but barely. And Paula said she was the best female vocal of the night... No. Katherine has her beat.
Taylor - Just Once - Eww hes flat and sharp - - he started to get better - - lots of growling
You know Paula will love it. As my friend Crystal just told me - - bad karaoke.
If Randy says "I dont know whats going on tonight" once more... I'll scream. Simon was right on bad lounge act - - and I think Paula is suffering from PMS. See, I think he does ok, but American Idol good? I mean, these 6 people are suppposed to be the best of all the millions of people that auditioned...
Chris - Have really ever loved a Woman - I like the touch of hte guitarist on either side of him. The tempo is a little fast - making him struggle. I LOVE THIS MAN! I think he pulled it off with GUSTO!!
The judges agree with me...
Who has my vote? KAT and CHRIS
Who has GOT to be in the bottom three?
PICKLEHEAD! For the love of Peter, Paul and Mary combined!