Allison Rhea, who keeps me real. We have known each other for about 17 years! You have no problem telling just exactly how it is. You keep me so level, and you say some of the most profound things. I really love growing up with you and I look forward to growing old with you. You love me just like your sister... You and I are really like sisters!
Crystal, who listens to the listener. We have known each other for about 13 years! You always have something fun up your sleeve. My garage-saling buddy who always finds the steals, you are the most giving person in my life. Your heart is so full of love Crystal. Thank you for all that you do, and for loving my kids so very much.
Melissa, my Missy-miss. We have know each other our whole lives, my awesome cousin. I adore you! You are my miracle girl. God gave us another chance when he spared your life a year ago this month. He took my Mom but he let me keep you. I will never take you for granted.
My Husband - the "wings beneath my feet". Only we will get that joke. Baby, you really are my best-friend, my rock, and the lover of my soul. Thank you for grace and love in our marriage and for being so willing to change and adapt to our ever evolving love. You're my lobster baby.
Thank you, to the 3 coolest chicks on the planet and the most awesome guy. You truly are the PEE IN MY PANTS!
That is so sweet :)
You know me all to well....Piss in my pants....LOLOLOLOLOL...Thats the highest compliment I have ever been given. Thank you Joy...For everything :)
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