

Jinnifer Janna Kathleen Ketch

Only last week I was mourning the fact that my little girl Sara turned 6. Now I'm back and the day is grey... my baby - my little infant that was tiny and sweet and ever so precious is turning 3 today. I remember looking into those big hazel eyes while I would rock her and wonder "what will she look like when shes a toddler? What will her little voice sound like?" Now we can't get her to be quiet!

Jinny was my miracle baby. Born 10 weeks premature, she had a rocky start. The Dr. told me that she would always have breathing problems. He said that she would always be really small. He told me that she would always be behind the other kids. He said she would always be sickly. WHATEVER!!!

NOBODY puts labels on my kids! NOBODY!

My little girl no longer has breathing problems. She is hardly EVER sick! She is a big as all the other 3 year olds I know and more advanced then most of them! And now, she is three - and she knows she has the world at her feet. She is the happiest, healthiest child I have ever known!

Oh my little Jinnifer. Your Momma loves you with her whole heart. I came alive the moment I laid eyes on you. You are the sunshine in all of our lives. My favorite time of day is when I walk into your room and hear GOOD MERNIN' MOMMA - and see your smile from ear to ear. You are my cuddle bug, my singing partner, my little buddy, my mini-me. I see so much of your Nanna in you. I know she is looking down from heaven and smiling. She loved you and your sisters SO much. She was the eternal optimist - and so are you. I pray that you NEVER lose your optimism baby. Your Momma and Daddy will always make sure that you and your sissies have the best that life has to give. Happy birthday my love - my heart and soul - - my JinnyJin Jin the Jinny Wren.

Love - Momma

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