Wow, it has been one heck of a day. I woke up feeling MUUUUUUUCH better this morning - I went into my manaic cleaning mode. Sara ate breakfast and said "Mommy - my toof is really loose" I went to wiggle it and she freaked out, saying "NOOO, don't touch it!" and shoved my hand away. She wiggled it with her toungue and I assured her that is WAS going to come out today to tomorrow.
Well, when my dear husband came home at lunch and she ran to him and proceeded in the same direction with him... "Daddy, look, my toof is reaaaaaaaallllly loose!" He said "Let me see" and then reached in so quickly and pulled it out that she did not even realize what happened! She was in shock at first, her eyes were like half dollars and she did not know whether to cry or cheer. I saw that expression and immediately started jumping up and down yelling "YEAAAAH, the tooth fairy is gonna come tonight!" It was a funny sight I'm sure, Monty, Jinny, Sara and I jumping around the kitchen cheering. We immediately put it in an envelope and wrote the tooth fairy a note. Then she proceeded to make phone calls to everyone we know. Can I just also add that I love and adore my husband?? He is the coolest Daddy ever.
I was totally cool when Sara started Pre-K. I was fine the day she walked into Kindergarden and said "Mom, I'm fine - you can go now" But I am telling you that this is KILLING me. Why you ask? I have no freakin' clue. I just see this as my little baby girl becoming a "big kid". Her gaping little smile was too sweet, as you can see in the picture.
Tonight, Monty had class at OU for his Masters courses so I decided in celebration of Sara losing her first tooth we would have a girls night. (Hey, anything to party, right?) We went to Texas Roadhouse and then to the mall. I know - we're such girly-girls! We were walking by Claires and on a whim I said "hey, you girls wanna get your ears pierced?" Amber is the only one that has hers pierced so Rik, Sara and Jin all yelled YES YES YES! In we went and I filled out the paperwork and picked out the earrings. Jin went first and the left ear went well. She yelled OUCH! and shot the lady a serious nasty look! I had to hold her for the right ear. What the heck happened to the days when the shot them both at the same time???? Then Rikki went, very bravely I might add, and lastly Sara - - who was the bravest of them all! Sara picked pink earrings - - go figure.
Am I proud er what?? Needless to say, it has been a very big day at our house.
1 comment:
Sounds like you guys had a wonderful day! And the pictures are adorable!
I love you guys!
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