

So my sweet husband made me an appointment to get my hair done. He arranged the whole thing for me - just told me what time to show up. I absolutely love that he did that for me - he also delivered a dozen red roses to me as I was getting my hair done.

Here is where it gets funny.

He asked my hairdresser (our friend Jamie) to make me a redhead. He wanted red - - deep dark red. He even paid her in advance. So she said "okay, so we're going red Joy"? Like I had a choice or something...

I'll say this. I like it. I do. Really.

I'll just have to get used to it.

There will be no changing it for a while. It's daaaaaaaark.
I want some highlights or something!

Wow. The blonde is now red.

Okay be honest. Brutally.

Oh. BTW - Can I just say that my husband is freaking incredible??? Roses and all.


Some Pretty Sky said...

It suits you, I love it!

Isabel said...

I think it looks very lovely. Very nice of your hubby to do for you!

NeverEnough said...

I love it! Very sexy.