I cannot imagine a better morning than waking up warm and comfy with my husband arms around me, all cuddled up (he is normally at the gym), hearing "Good Morning Princess", getting up and taking a shower together. Top that off with hot breakfast and the perfect cup of tea (that only he can make me) when I walk out of our bedroom and you have yourself the perfect morning.
Good morning Joygirl!
Wow, I really love this guy...
Sorry... my blog may be borderline innappropriate, and by "sorry", I mean, "you're welcome".

Only last week I was mourning the fact that my little girl Sara turned 6. Now I'm back and the day is grey... my baby - my little infant that was tiny and sweet and ever so precious is turning 3 today. I remember looking into those big hazel eyes while I would rock her and wonder "what will she look like when shes a toddler? What will her little voice sound like?" Now we can't get her to be quiet!
Jinny was my miracle baby. Born 10 weeks premature, she had a rocky start. The Dr. told me that she would always have breathing problems. He said that she would always be really small. He told me that she would always be behind the other kids. He said she would always be sickly. WHATEVER!!!
NOBODY puts labels on my kids! NOBODY!
My little girl no longer has breathing problems. She is hardly EVER sick! She is a big as all the other 3 year olds I know and more advanced then most of them! And now, she is three - and she knows she has the world at her feet. She is the happiest, healthiest child I have ever known!
Oh my little Jinnifer. Your Momma loves you with her whole heart. I came alive the moment I laid eyes on you. You are the sunshine in all of our lives. My favorite time of day is when I walk into your room and hear GOOD MERNIN' MOMMA - and see your smile from ear to ear. You are my cuddle bug, my singing partner, my little buddy, my mini-me. I see so much of your Nanna in you. I know she is looking down from heaven and smiling. She loved you and your sisters SO much. She was the eternal optimist - and so are you. I pray that you NEVER lose your optimism baby. Your Momma and Daddy will always make sure that you and your sissies have the best that life has to give. Happy birthday my love - my heart and soul - - my JinnyJin Jin the Jinny Wren.
Love - Momma
Why do I always get myself into things like this? Always - - with the dorky adventures and ridiculous escapades. Well, this weekend was nothing short of "the usual" silliness... AND I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT!
Momma decided to go to Tulsa and put my name in to audition for Wheel of Fortune. Why? You ask? Well, I am not sure - just sounded like fun.
So I get there yesterday and I was late thanks to the lovely Crystal who had to brush her hair FOREVER, and made me have to speed to the casino. Well, thankfully my cousin Melissa was there waiting and got me a application to fill out. There were a ba-jillion people there, some of which were dressed up like the big wheel (I kid you NOT) and some just looking like wierdo's in general. We were talking and I said "What aret he odds of one of us getting called?" About that time They say "ALL THE WAY FROM OKLAHOMA CITY - - JOY KETCH"
I screams HECK YES! and started running to the front like one of those silly freaks on The Price is Right giving everybody high 5's all the way down. They took my picture and I waited for my chance onstage.
They tell you they want to see alot of personality. They want to see you really show what you can do. Basically, they want to know you can handle a huge crowd. Hah. They dont know Joy. Heh heh heh.
I get up there, he asks my name, asks what I do and what my hobbies were. I said that I sing at which point he interrupts and says DID YOU SAY SING???
Heck yes I said sing...
He hands me the mic and asks me to sing something. I told the audience that I am a greek with a very long maiden name. As a child my Mom had to teach us a song to help us learn how to spell it. (well it IS 13 letters)
It is to the tune of the song OKLAHOMA
P eeeeeeeeeee
Pappadopoulos -- thats all of us
Bill and Jan, and Andy, Scott and JOY!
We're doing fine Pappadopoulos -
Pappadopoulos -
P - A - PP - A - DO - POU - LOS!
I had everyone clapping in time to the song.
It was great. I love that I get myself into crap like this. Its the stuff that makes me cool in my kids eyes.
So then its time to play the game.
The category was before and after.
There were 5 of us up there. We cycled through 2 times and when it came to me the 3rd time i had guessed it. I picked a Z!
The puzzle was ZIP CODE OF CONDUCT.
My big prize was a Wheel of Fortune fanny pack, a keychain and a blinky pin that looked like the wheel. Hoh yeah. Don't be jealous...
So they will call me when (and if) they want me to come back for finals. If I do well there then I guess I will get to be on the show! OMG OMG OMG!
Big Money, big money!
Pat Sajack rocks my universe, lolol!
Why do I always get myself into things like this? Always - - with the dorky adventures and ridiculous escapades. Well, this weekend was nothing short of "the usual" silliness... AND I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT!
Momma decided to go to Tulsa and put my name in to audition for Wheel of Fortune. Why? You ask? Well, I am not sure - just sounded like fun.
So I get there yesterday and I was late thanks to the lovely Crystal who had to brush her hair FOREVER, and made me have to speed to the casino. Well, thankfully my cousin Melissa was there waiting and got me a application to fill out. There were a ba-jillion people there, some of which were dressed up like the big wheel (I kid you NOT) and some just looking like wierdo's in general. We were talking and I said "What aret he odds of one of us getting called?" About that time They say "ALL THE WAY FROM OKLAHOMA CITY - - JOY KETCH"
I screams HECK YES! and started running to the front like one of those silly freaks on The Price is Right giving everybody high 5's all the way down. They took my picture and I waited for my chance onstage.
They tell you they want to see alot of personality. They want to see you really show what you can do. Basically, they want to know you can handle a huge crowd. Hah. They dont know Joy. Heh heh heh.
I get up there, he asks my name, asks what I do and what my hobbies were. I said that I sing at which point he interrupts and says DID YOU SAY SING???
Heck yes I said sing...
He hands me the mic and asks me to sing something. I told the audience that I am a greek with a very long maiden name. As a child my Mom had to teach us a song to help us learn how to spell it. (well it IS 13 letters)
It is to the tune of the song OKLAHOMA
P eeeeeeeeeee
Pappadopoulos -- thats all of us
Bill and Jan, and Andy, Scott and JOY!
We're doing fine Pappadopoulos -
Pappadopoulos -
P - A - PP - A - DO - POU - LOS!
I had everyone clapping in time to the song.
It was great. I love that I get myself into crap like this. Its the stuff that makes me cool in my kids eyes.
So then its time to play the game.
The category was before and after.
There were 5 of us up there. We cycled through 2 times and when it came to me the 3rd time i had guessed it. I picked a Z!
The puzzle was ZIP CODE OF CONDUCT.
My big prize was a Wheel of Fortune fanny pack, a keychain and a blinky pin that looked like the wheel. Hoh yeah. Don't be jealous...
So they will call me when (and if) they want me to come back for finals. If I do well there then I guess I will get to be on the show! OMG OMG OMG!
Big Money, big money!
Pat Sajack rocks my universe, lolol!
A Sad Anniversary

Today is the day one year ago that my precious Momma, Ruth Jan Wade - Pappadopoulos - Baum died and went to heaven. One whole year, and it seems to have flown by. It seems as if I just talked to her on the phone yesterday. I can still close my eyes and see her hands, long fingernails painted red, as usual. I can still remember her smell... Bob Mackie perfume - and ALOT of it. I can still remember her voice, always perky, always optimistic, always warm - even when she was the most ill. I would give anything to pick up the phone and hear "How's my Joygirl?" I would give anything to be able to lay my head in her lap again, ANYTHING to hear her pet names she always called me (Jiggybookie, pookiebear and Diddledumps) ANYTHING to have her scratch by back like only she could, ANYTHING to hear her opinion and get her advice. She was my very best friend, my closest confidant, my greatest champion, the one who knew me most and longest and loved me in spite of all my flaws. When she left this earth she took a huge part of me with her that I will only get back when I see her again someday - which I must and have to believe in now. My Granny followed her in under a year. The two women that I was closest to - - gone. Granny needed to be with Mom. They were always together. They belong together - - raising all kinds of you know what in heaven! I miss Momma so much it hurts.
Mom, it's been one year since you left and I cannot believe what I have become in your absence. I literally went crazy for a while, I have to admit it. I never fully realized how much of my identity I had wrapped up in you - my best buddy - my Mom. I was lost without you. In some ways I still am, but not so desperately anymore. YOU TAUGHT ME TO BE STRONG - something that I just wasn't for a while. I am now, although I am afraid that you would be very ashamed of some of the things that I have done in the last year. You were my conscience - you knew what I'd done before I ever told you - always - - it was amazing. With my conscience gone, I had no one to tell me NO Joy, you can't do what you are doing. I tore my marriage to shreads and almost lost a man who adores me. I made a mess of things in my life and I am just getting it all back together. I WANT YOU TO BE PROUD OF THE WOMAN I AM. I have gained my own identity now - something I had to do. I am my own person - something I never was before. I have restored my marriage back to where it needed to be - thatnk God. I am really trying to be a great Mom to the girls. I parent so much like you - you were the best. You'd be so proud of our babies. The girls we prayed for together, remember? They miss their Nanna so much. Jinny still remembers putting on Nanna's makeup. You made such an impact on them in such a short time... typical of you. I promise to make my 30th year of life one you'd be proud of.
Everyone misses you - your spark. You were the light of this family - the glue that kept us all together. I am trying, but my glue is just not as strong. Melissa is doing so well. I remember begging God - if he must take you - to please spare Melissa's life. He gave me that and you'll be so glad to know we are as close as ever. Andy is great - an awesome big brother, always calling me, always checking on me. Scotty is lost to me - I can't relate with him anymore but I love him and miss him in my life so much. All the kids - they miss you - You never got to meet Angel Jan - she came in May and she is a beauty. Wait - I bet you met her in heaven before she was ever here. James graduated highschool, Rik and Amber are teenagers now and Ariel looks more like you every day. Lydia is painfully shy since you died and Drew is a weed - different every time I see him. So is Ashlyn. I am afraid that Hershy is lost without you as well. He is so sad - - so lonely. He loved you so much.
I love you so much too. I love that you are in me - that I am your daughter, doing things the way you taught me to. YOUR SPIRIT LIVES ON IN ME, MY BROTHERS AND ALL YOUR GRANDCHILDREN. It's not the same - but I am thankful for it.
Momma, life does go on without you - but not as well. Not as smoothly... not anymore. I love you.
My little baby girl is 6 today.

Well, it's happening. Life is in fast forward. I can't stand it.
Sara turns 6 today.
My husband and I got her favorite breakfast food - doughnuts this morning and stuck a candle in one and walked into her bedroom singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. When we were finished, instead of blowing out the candle, scarfing the doughnut and licking her sticky fingers she looked at us and smiled the sweetest smile and said "thank you Daddy, thank you Mommy".
This child is incredible. This child is exquisite. I am so proud that she is MINE.
I looked at this shining little face in the glow of her birthday candle and could not see a trace of the chubby little 3 year old that she was oh - - yesterday... now she is this young lady - a SIX year old... with the vocabulary of a 25 year old! Next week Monty will be walking her down the isle on her wedding day. HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN??
Monty said "WOW Sara, you are getting so big - soon you'll be shaving your legs... plucking your eyebrows... " (jokingly) and without missing a beat Sara chimed in "yeah, and putting on my own makeup..."
Yes, my baby is no longer a baby. She is an awesome little young lady.
Tuesday, the 25th is the day Jinny turns 3. THREE people!!!
This picture on the left is from 2 years ago.The one on hte right was taken at the end of September. Look at my babies... they are growing too fast.
Somebody help me cope...

So my sweet husband made me an appointment to get my hair done. He arranged the whole thing for me - just told me what time to show up. I absolutely love that he did that for me - he also delivered a dozen red roses to me as I was getting my hair done.
Here is where it gets funny.
He asked my hairdresser (our friend Jamie) to make me a redhead. He wanted red - - deep dark red. He even paid her in advance. So she said "okay, so we're going red Joy"? Like I had a choice or something...
I'll say this. I like it. I do. Really.
I'll just have to get used to it.
There will be no changing it for a while. It's daaaaaaaark.
I want some highlights or something!
Wow. The blonde is now red.
Okay be honest. Brutally.
Oh. BTW - Can I just say that my husband is freaking incredible??? Roses and all.
Chirstmas Movie Top 5

Okay, I got a comment from rhea (Alicat) that I forgot the top 5 movies of the holiday season. She was totally right! This is her comment.
GAAAAWD JOY! You totally forgot the top FIVE most popular reasons for loving the holiday season!
1. National Lampoons Christmas Vacation !
2. Miracle on 34th Street !
3. White Christmas !
4. A Christmas Carol
and last but NOT least creme'dla creme'(or whatever),Its A Wonderful Life! Sheesh! LOL I'm all excited too!
Now understand... Allison takes Christmas seriously. Veeeery seriously, as do I. You must have the quientessential Christmas movie viewings throughout the season. Here is my list, which has been revised since I had children.
1. White Christmas. This movie gets put in the machine the day after Thanksgiving, when we pull out the tree and my boxes full of decorations. You simply cannot decorate for Christmas with out White Christmas. It's classic! I still want those big blue fans that were in the Sisters number.
2. The Grinch. This is a newer movie on my list. Jim Carrey was perfect. This movie brings out the inner child in all of us. Plus, we all turn into the Grinch for at least one day every season... admit it! You know, you are at the mall and that little biotch pulls into your parking space before you and you want to get out and strangle her with tinsle? On that day I feel like Grinch on top of the mountain saying "I Loooooaaaathe them entirely!" Love it.
3. A Christmas Story. Who doesnt relate with this adorably chubby little boy and his trials and tribulations of a family Christmas? This is the movie that reminds me of my childhood, even though it was set in the 50's. To this day I wish I could still smell the smell of little plastic ornaments and Christmas Tree.
4. Home Alone. Another movie I have added since my children came about. Talk about funny. It is the only movie that Macauley Culkin did that I can stand. He sucked from then on, admit it. It's a wholesome family movie that you can sit and watch with your kids during the holidays with a big bowl of popcorn. Everyone knows it's totally a make believe story - - real children would have burnt the house to the ground on day 1!
5. A Christmas Carol/Scrooged. There are many versions of Dickens' story. I have seen (I think) all of them, including the newest version with Kelsy Grammer. It was okay, but if you are going to watch the movie religously every year, you have to find your favorite. Growing up, we always watched the 1951 version with Alistair Sim as Scrooge on TV. My personal favorite is the 1984 version with George C. Scott as Scrooge. It is still older, so I can call it a classic in my house, but it's not black and white, so my children do not get bored. Can I also say that its not a Christmas season without Bill Murray in Scrooged? He is SO funny.
Now see? I limited the list to the top 5, but there are still so many more to list! I hate limits! For example, they are not movies, but remember all those claymation movies we watched as a kid? And what about the cartoons like The Grinch and the Peanuts Christmas and Frosty the Snowman? Who remembers the Family Circle Christmas show? And of course, all the Muppets Christmas, including the Muppets version of A Christmas Carol.
My kids would have an entirely different list. I KNOW they would add The Santa Clause and The Santa Clause 2, both adorable movies. And of course, National Lampoons Christmas Vacation is a MUST. We watch that while we are decorating. Every year, when we are fixing the turkey Monty says "Save the neck for me Clark" And even my teenagers quote the movie when we walk outside into the cold by saying " Wow, it's really nipply outside". LOLOL It never stops being funny.
BTW, who my age remembers on Thanksgiving day for several years MTV played the movie length version of Michael Jackson's Thriller? LOL! We thought it was SOOOO cool! My cousins and brothers and I would pile up on out Granny's bed and watch it while the adults were watching football.
Anyway, there is my Christmas top 5, plus a few extra's. I know my husband will shame me by saying "JOY, what about this movie and that movie". He really is the movie maven. What movies are your favorites??
Thought for the Day
One out of every three Americans is suffering from some form of mental illness.
Think of two of your best friends.
If they're okay, then it must be you.
Have a nice weekend you freaking crazies...
Think of two of your best friends.
If they're okay, then it must be you.
Have a nice weekend you freaking crazies...
It is about here, the time of year when Monty and I begin to sing this corny song all the time. It just makes us freakin' giddy!
I love the changing of the seasons.
Hot apple cider.
Pumpkin patches with my kids.
Leaves changing.
Cool air filling your lungs.
My daughter's birthday's
Cuddling under a soft blanket with my husband to watch movies.
The "fall smell" that fills your nose when you step outside.
The anticipation of Thanksgiving feasts.
The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
The bringing out of the boxes of holiday ornaments, snowmen and other decorations.
Hearing my husband invent new curse words as he hangs Christmas Lights. (its really fun)
The anticipation of snow, even if it only lasts 1 day.
Fuzzy sweaters.
Cuddly cats.
Hot cocoa.
Grey days.
The 24/7 Christmas carols on the radio.
The warm fuzzy feeling.
Football, even though I am not a huge fan - I just like to have it playing in the background, sort of a soundtrack to the season.
Baking cookies and pies.
Giving presents.
MY BIRTHDAY (Dec. 18th by the way)
My husbands paid 2 weeks of from the college - he's all mine for 2 whole weeks.
Christmas eve candlelight services at church with family.
Christmas morning with my babies and sweet husband.
Our large Greek feast we prepare for my extended family Christmas
New Years Eve.
The Rose Parade on New Years Day.
Big Day at the Ketch House

Wow, it has been one heck of a day. I woke up feeling MUUUUUUUCH better this morning - I went into my manaic cleaning mode. Sara ate breakfast and said "Mommy - my toof is really loose" I went to wiggle it and she freaked out, saying "NOOO, don't touch it!" and shoved my hand away. She wiggled it with her toungue and I assured her that is WAS going to come out today to tomorrow.
Well, when my dear husband came home at lunch and she ran to him and proceeded in the same direction with him... "Daddy, look, my toof is reaaaaaaaallllly loose!" He said "Let me see" and then reached in so quickly and pulled it out that she did not even realize what happened! She was in shock at first, her eyes were like half dollars and she did not know whether to cry or cheer. I saw that expression and immediately started jumping up and down yelling "YEAAAAH, the tooth fairy is gonna come tonight!" It was a funny sight I'm sure, Monty, Jinny, Sara and I jumping around the kitchen cheering. We immediately put it in an envelope and wrote the tooth fairy a note. Then she proceeded to make phone calls to everyone we know. Can I just also add that I love and adore my husband?? He is the coolest Daddy ever.
I was totally cool when Sara started Pre-K. I was fine the day she walked into Kindergarden and said "Mom, I'm fine - you can go now" But I am telling you that this is KILLING me. Why you ask? I have no freakin' clue. I just see this as my little baby girl becoming a "big kid". Her gaping little smile was too sweet, as you can see in the picture.
Tonight, Monty had class at OU for his Masters courses so I decided in celebration of Sara losing her first tooth we would have a girls night. (Hey, anything to party, right?) We went to Texas Roadhouse and then to the mall. I know - we're such girly-girls! We were walking by Claires and on a whim I said "hey, you girls wanna get your ears pierced?" Amber is the only one that has hers pierced so Rik, Sara and Jin all yelled YES YES YES! In we went and I filled out the paperwork and picked out the earrings. Jin went first and the left ear went well. She yelled OUCH! and shot the lady a serious nasty look! I had to hold her for the right ear. What the heck happened to the days when the shot them both at the same time???? Then Rikki went, very bravely I might add, and lastly Sara - - who was the bravest of them all! Sara picked pink earrings - - go figure.
Am I proud er what?? Needless to say, it has been a very big day at our house.
I am cheating again this week for Half-Nekkid Thursday

Okay, okay, I know that last week I had a pic of one of Monty's tat's but I have been sick all day today - I hope I am not pregnant... This is a pic of the tat on his left shoulder. Its a dragon/snake - inked before he knew me. What I can say is that I love his upper back. He is soooooooo sexy. So, next week, I promise I will do better. Give me my sick day today! Nighty night.
To my Precious Best-Friends

Waking Up

I have been in a constant state of transition for a long time now. Finally, my world is starting to slow in it's spinning. I am seeing things differently - as if the rose-colored glasses have been taken off. I am leaving my 20-somethings behind and heading into my 30's and looking back, I realize that I have learned so much, but I have learned the most in the last year. In the last year, I have lost my Momma, my Granny and I almost lost my marriage to hte most wonderful man there is - the one who was made for me. Thinking about all of this has got me delving into some pretty deep stuff - call it "self therapy". This is what it really comes down to.
It seems that a time comes in your life when you finally "get it"...when, in the midst of all your fears and insanity, you stop dead in your tracks and somewhere the voice inside your head cries out - ENOUGH! Enough fighting and crying or struggling to hold on. And, like a child after a tantrum, your sobs begin to subside, you shudder once or twice, you blink back your tears and begin to look at the world through new eyes - clearer eyes. You realize it's time to stop hoping and waiting for something to change...or for happiness, safety and security to come galloping over the next horizon. You come to terms with the fact that neither you nor your spouse/loved one is Prince Charming or Cinderella and that in the real world there aren't always fairy tale endings (or beginnings for that matter) and that any guarantee of "happily ever after" must begin with you...
In the process a sense of serenity is born of acceptance. You awaken to the fact that you are not perfect and that not everyone will always love, appreciate or approve of who or what you are ... and that's OK. They are entitled to their own views and opinions. And you learn the importance of loving and championing yourself...and in the process a sense of new found confidence is born of self-approval.
You stop complaining and blaming other people for the things they did to you (or didn't do for you) and you learn that the only thing you can really count on is the unexpected. You learn that people don't always say what they mean or mean what they say and that not everyone will always be there for you and that it's not always about you.
So, you learn to stand on your own and to take care of yourself...and in the process a sense of safety and security is born of self-reliance. You stop judging and pointing fingers and you begin to accept people as they are and to overlook their shortcomings and human frailties..and in the process a sense of peace and contentment is born of forgiveness.
You realize that much of the way you view yourself, and the world around you, is as a result of all the messages and opinions that have been ingrained into your psyche. You begin to sift through all the junk you've been fed about how you should behave, how you should look, how much you should weigh, what you should wear, what you should do for a living, how much money you should make, what you should drive, how and where you should live, who you should marry, the importance of having and raising children, and what you owe your parents, family, and friends, etc.
You learn to open up to new worlds and different points of view. And you begin to redefine who you are and what you really stand for. You learn the difference between wanting and needing and you begin to discard the doctrines and values you've outgrown, or should never have bought into to begin with ... and in the process you learn to go with your instincts.
You learn that it is truly in giving that we receive. And that there is power and glory in creating and contributing and you stop maneuvering through life merely as a "consumer" looking for your next fix.
You learn that you don't know everything, it's not your job to save the world and that you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink You learn to distinguish between guilt and responsibility and the importance of setting boundaries and learning to say NO.
You learn that the only cross to bear is the one you choose to carry and that, hello - - martyrs get burned at the stake people!
Then you learn about love. How to love, how much to give in love, when to stop giving and when towalk away. You learn to look at relationships as they really are and not as you would have them be. You stop trying to control people, situations and outcomes.
You learn that alone does not mean lonely.
You also stop working so hard at putting your feelings aside, smoothing things over and ignoring your needs. You learn that feelings of entitlement are perfectly OK....and that it is your right to want things and to ask for the things you want ... and that sometimes it is necessary to make demands.
You come to the realization that you deserve to be treated with love, kindness, sensitivity and respect and you won't settle for less.
You learn that being tired fuels doubt, fear, and uncertainty and so you take more time to rest. And, just as food fuels the body, laughter fuels our soul. So you take more time to laugh and to play. You learn that, for the most part, you get out of life what you believe you deserve...and that much of life truly is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
You learn that anything worth achieving is worth working for and that wishing for something to happen is different than working toward making it happen. You also learn that no one can do it all alone...and that it's OK to risk asking for help.
You learn the only thing you must truly fear is the greatest thief of all: FEAR itself. You learn to step right into and through your fears because you know that whatever happens you can handle it and to give in to fear is to give away the right to live life on your own terms. And you learn to fight for your life and not to squander it living under a cloud of impending doom.
You learn that life isn't always fair, you don't always get what you think you deserve and that sometimes bad things happen to unsuspecting, good people. When this happens, you learn not to personalize things. You learn that God isn't punishing you or failing to answer your prayers. It's just life happening.
You learn that negative feelings such as anger, envy and resentment must be understood and redirected or they will suffocate the life out of you and poison your universe. You learn to admit when you are wrong and to build bridges instead of walls.
You learn to be thankful and to take comfort in many of the simple things we take for granted, things that millions of people upon the earth can only dream about: a full refrigerator, clean running water, a soft warm bed, a long hot shower.
Slowly, you begin to take responsibility for yourself by yourself and you make yourself a promise to never betray yourself and to never, ever settle for less than your heart's desire.
And you make it a point to keep smiling, to keep trusting, and to stay open to every wonderful possibility.
Finally, with courage in your heart and God by your side you take a stand, you take a deep breath, and you begin to design the life you want to live as best you can.
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