Please read this buddy.
I have a site meter on my blog, and I was looking through the locations of where people that are looking at my blog live. I sat stunned for a minute. Ft. Meyers. Once, twice, I kept counting - - 4 times so far that I could find. My mind raced.
"Is that him? Is he looking for us?"
C'mon now - - that town in large - - anyway could be browsing from there.
Then I thought that you might have found my MySpace. I don't hide. We want you to find us.
I searched for you on myspace and found you - - my God, you are gorgeous. You've grown so much.
It may not have been you that was looking at my blog, but whatever the situation - it led me to finding YOU - and staring at a picture of a guy's myspace that has the face of this little man that used to have me wrapped around his little finger... You.
Connor, I know that you probably have some pretty bad feelings about our situation. Please understand that there are always two sides to every situation and hear us. At least hear us baby. We miss you. We've missed you all these years. Our kids look at our photo albums of you and know you are so important to us, and that you are our child too. You are looking so much like your Dad.
He loves you, and his heart hurts for you - the missing puzzle peice in our lives.
I have sat and hugged your Daddy while he cried - cried because he wants so badly for you to be in his life. No matter what - don't EVER think that you are not in our minds and hearts all the time.
Please open up to us and talk to us. If you want to be angry - be angry, sad, happy - whatever, but TALK to us. Lets please try a life of being in each others lives again. Dad and I want that so badly. You Dad is so incredible. So cool. And I want to you to know him and he needs to know you - - you both are missing out on a HUGE chunk of your lives.
I love you Connorman. We love you and miss you.
I'm close to tears - I hope he reads it!! Please keep me updated. How old is he now anyway? This must be pretty hard on Monty. God I have so many questions! Anyway, this is great what you wrote to him. Really great!
Oh my gosh, that is so sad!! Do you mind my asking what happened? I'll be praying for all of you!
I will think only good thoughts for you and the family!
Wow-I got goosebumps reading this-Connor, there are ALWAYS 2 sides to every story and even if right now isn't a good time to know the other side, remember when you get older that Daddies never ever forget their children and they never EVER stop loving them, no matter what.
Good luck to you Joygirl! You're a good good woman
I love you Joy....This is why your amazing....
Conner- As your step-moms best friend I know up close and personal how much your daddy and Joy love you. Please give them the opportunity to have a place in your heart. Much love & respect, Auntie AliCat
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