This freakshow should get docked several MILLION votes for this jacket alone...
Guys... its ROYAL PURPLE.
"Hello, Taylor? Liberache called from the afterlife... he wants his jacket back..."
I am so disgusted by tonight that I can hardly type.. So they give Kat a sucky song to sing and write him one perfectly tailored to his voice? Can we say RIGGED? It wasnt a fair fight tonight.
GUYS -- GET OFFLINE AND vote for Kat
or 05
Need more pursuading?

I don't watch the show, but my father in law wore that jacket to my wedding, Okay? You want to see the video of my face as I came down the aisle with a total, "what the hell are you wearing?" look on my face.....so funny.
I love your site.. and I love the fact that you save me watching Idol at the moment!!!
Here in NZ, we are about 3 weeks behind in the current US Idol series... the only episode I have seen the whole way through was the Queen one, with Taylor singing "Crazy little thing called Love".. I so wouldn have voted him off then!! What were you all thinking to keep him on???
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