Sorry... my blog may be borderline innappropriate, and by "sorry", I mean, "you're welcome".
Yeah, I don't know what to title this...
The movie was so stinking funny. Crystal and I laughed so loud. There was a couple right in front of us that sat there in stoic silence throught he whole movie... you could tell they did not like it. All I am saying is WHY go to a movie named "The 40 year old Virgin" if you are going to be offended easily? They got up and walked out in the middle of it - very angry. People like that annoy the heck out of me.
On our way back to the car we stopped and Toby's bar again and had another drink - - why the heck not?
It was a fun night.
"Working on the Marriage"

We rented The Wedding Guest. It's an OK movie, but there was a really good line that was toward the end of the movie. This guy Nick (the wedding guest) is talking to the groom who is having second thought about marrying his bride because she divulged her affair with his best friend just moments before they were to walk down the isle. He said: "If you know her Sh*# and she knows yours and at the end of the day you'd rather give up than try, then nothing is ever going to be worth it".
Isn't that the truth though? I mean, that is what marriage is all about. Is it worth it? Some days I might say no, (lol), but it is important and totally worth trying for. I am thankful that I have a forgiving husband and that I am just as forgiving. He knows aaaaall my sh*# and I know his.
Good movie. Good point.
Half-Nekkid Thursday

This is one of my husbands tatoos. It is the Japanese symbol for JOY. He got it on our honeymoon. I told him getting my name tatooed on his body was so white trash - - he just laughed and said that if something were to ever happen to us, he would just tell people that it was the symbol for verility. Nice. So, here you go. Have a happy Thursday!
Adoption Day

Wow - it is finally here - - the rest of our lives... together! Today we finally finished our adoption. It was an awesome moment when we stood before the judge and he sealed our future. I took a deep breath, exhaled and begin to breathe lighter air that was sweeter than ever before. No more rocks in my stomach. No more visits to the DHS building and courtroom. Today was filled with many tears from my family - but none were mine. I was too giddy. No, I just smiled and smiled. All I could think about was what was next... LIFE - - normal life. Normal family with normal situations. People do not realize what a precious thing it is to have that normalcy. But now it is MINE... ALLLLLLLL MINE! Monty and I are so happy and relieved. LIFE IS GOOD AND GETTING BETTER EVERY DAY. My only wish was that my Mom could have been there to see it - but my faith tells me that she was... In celebration of this day - a few pictures of the Ketch family 6: Monty and Joy, Rikki Joy Lynn, Amber Audrey, Sara Faith and Jinnifer Janna Kathleen Ketch

Wow - It's already Thursday. I have not blogged in a week. Well, this weeks HNT pic is two adorable belly buttons! My daughters, to be specific.
I love their belly buttons - I love to poke them and say "beep-beep" just like my Mom and Daddy did to me - - it just reminds me how wonderful it is that I have these two awesome little girls - and how they belong to me.
Loooooove those babies!
Half-Nekkid Thursday!
9/11 - Never get apathetic - read and remember!
Never forget.......
Words do not give any justice to what happened on this day, 4 years ago. Nevertheless, never forget:
-The 3,000+ people who died that day, and the thousands upon thousands of family members left in the devastation of losing their loved one.
-The people who won our first victory of this war on Flight 93. "Let's Roll."
-The destruction, cleanup, and even rebuilding of iconic buildings. The rebuilding that lets those bastards know that we are not going away and we will win.
-The bravery shown by not just police officers, firemen, EMT's, but "ordinary" people who did extraordinary things that day. Now, that's what makes America shine.
-The outpouring of help made by all Americans. Whether it was giving blood, donating money, whatever.....It all mattered.
-The American Flags which flew from everywhere they could be. Also, the American spirit that arose from this nation.
-The 343 firemen who died that day. They had to know that they weren't going to make it. That is my definition of courage and sacrifice.
-The pictures of that day. Check out these. LOOK and remember... do you remember how MAD it made you? How helpless you felt? How exposed our country was because we were generous enough to let these "men" into our country? NEVER FORGET!
-The 18, 19, and 20 year old soliders, sailors, marines and airmen all over the world that are making sure that nothing like this ever happens again.
-The clearness of that day. It was a beautiful day that was made ugly. It was an innocent morning, just like the day only a few years before, when we were bombed right here in Oklahoma City. Do you remember that feeling??
These are just a few things, and I know that I'm leaving so much out. Please add what you remember, or want others to never forget.
Going down to the Casina
Anyhoo, people have no sense of boundaries at casinos. Now granted, I know that we are not at The Venetion or Caesar's, we are at a small casino on Indian land, but these places are cramped. Well, I have decided that there should be an etiquette - a kind of unspoken set of rules among casino goers. I "loathe entirely" these people who feel that they need to stand beside the slot machine of their friend/spouse and in doing so, shove their arse into your space...
I go back to the movie Dirty Dancing (the movie my husband hates and I adore for many reasons, namely one) - when Johnny tells Baby "this is my dance space, this is your dance space, you don't come into mine, I don't come into yours".
FELLOW CASINO PATRONS: When I am at a slot machine feeding it my money I am basically renting that space for my said amount of time - it is MY slot machine space - you stay in YOUR space. What is the freaking issue with just standing BEHIND your friends chair? OH - and "excuse me" will get you really far as well when you bump into someone with a full cup of hot coffee.
Tonight, this guy felt that it was OK to rest his Kolos (as we say in Greece) on my cousin's side tonight as he watched his wife blow a $20 on the machine next to her. And there was this other guy that felt that it was ok to hit on me as I played a nickel slot... all up in my space and everything. What is wrong with people??? Gross.
We did have fun overall... I don't mean to sound like a drag. I really like going to the casino. As long as you don't expect to come out with hands full of loot you can really have a good time.
Ok, I am done... Have I bored you enough? I just had to vent. People can be so freaking rude. So what pet peeves do you have about people? Anyone??
Bandwagon - here I come - jump on with me!
Dang it, I've been tagged
10 years ago – September 1995, 18 years old, one year out of highschool and I was living with my boyfriend Dusty in an apartment in north Tulsa. This was the month we broke up and I moved to Oklahoma City. It was a time of extreme change for a girl who HATES and FEARS change. My heart was broken.
5 years ago – September of 2000, Working in education with a whole lot of self-important people. I was also working on my college degree. My husband and I were trying to get pregnant... again.
1 year ago – September 2004, Working at the hardest job of my life - - motherhood. I was a stay at home mom to 4 daughters and I was celebrating the start of school! September was the last full month that I had with my Mom before she died in October. Momma and I were planning our fall flowers to plant and already talking about Sara and Jin's birthday parties in October and making plans for Thanksgiving. God, I miss her.
Yesterday – September 1, Had a terrible day. Slept in - woke up still exhausted, had a feeling that things were not going to be kosher with the kids. Got one of those calls that you LOOOOOVE to get from your kids principle - and she told me that Amber skipped 3rd hour. The rest of the day was spent dealing with my crazy daughter. We also had Amber and Rikki's open house at school. I was so proud of my Rikki Joy Lynn.
5 snacks I enjoy – Cheddar Chese and triscuits, Braunsweiger and club crackers, ice cream, green apples, fresh baby carrots and broccoli and veggie dip. As an aside, can I just say that sweet Iced Tea should be a food group? Thanks...
5 songs I know all the words to – I am a singer, I know the words to thousands of songs. These are the songs that either my kids make me listen to constantly, or I have heard recently and gotten stuck in my head; Kiss (Prince), Bicycle (Queen), Father Figure (George Michael), Take a look at me now (Phil Collins), the B.C. Clarks Jewelry theme song. Am I stuck in the 80's right now or WHAT?
5 things I would do with $100 million dollars – Start a charity for foster parents and foster children. Buy a 5 bedroom house- pay cash. Repay my parents and in-laws for years of loans, pay off their homes and cars as well. Pay off all of my bills! Set up a trust for my children and my neices and nefews as well as my cousins young children. Invest the rest for my golden years. Is htat more than 5? well, deal with it!
5 Places I would run away to – Greece, Scotland, New Zealand, Bora Bora, DISNEY WORLD! LOL
5 things I would never wear – Camoflauge (HAVE WE NOT DISCUSSED THIS?!), tube tops, hot pants, stirrup pants, bikini - that's more for the general public rather than myself. LOL
5 Favorite TV Shows – 24 baby! I am counting the second till I get my Jack back, CSI, Will and Grace - I am a closet fan, Young and the Restless, Bold and the Beautiful.
5 Biggest Joys – Waking my baby in the morning. She is the happiest morning person! Buying a new outfit at Lane Bryant. Sleeping under a heavy down comforter in a dark, cold room. Seeing my girls do the things that we have taught them to do. Seeing my family (brothers, their families, etc.) live in the heritage that my parents created for us.
5 favorite toys – ummm, it's green..., My computer, my cell phone, my dvd player... do boy toys count? lolol
Am I done now? Now it's YOUR TURN!