I am SO greatful that I finally figured out how to get my blog back. I had to remember old emails and even older passwords... but finally its back in my possession! For me, this is a gold mine of rememberances of years past... pictures I cant find anywhere, and heartfelt sentiments from a time where I was a stay at home mom with 4 girls.
I really wanted to blog again... I have my blog back... it's on people!
Sorry... my blog may be borderline innappropriate, and by "sorry", I mean, "you're welcome".
It's a marshmallow world in the winter...

We had what is now being called "November Blizzard 2006" yesterday and today and I will tell ya -- it has been beautiful. I am so cheesy -- I got out and took a picture of our house in the snow...
There is a lot more snow now -- I really didnt want to get out after this pic -- WOW it's cold.
We had a great day. We opened all the blinds so that we could watch the snow fall, made fresh baked cookies, hot chocolate (loaded with marshmallows) and watched Polar Express with the kids. All the dogs had gotten baths so they were all inside and we were cuddly and warm and, well... it was perfect.
Sara, my 7 year old, spoke the same sentiment that I was feeling...
"It's days like these that I will always remember"
Yeah Sara, me too...
Giving Thanks
Hello everyone -- miss me?? I've been here, but I have been SO busy with... well with life. I am the mom of 4 girls after all.
I did however, want to take the time to update you on life here. All is well with us. Monty started a new job with OTR (Offroad Tire Recycling) and he is loving it. The great thing is that we will be transferring to another city soon so that Monty can run one of the hubs for the company. Those who must know where can email me.
If you are wondering why I dont blog as much anymore I have one word for you...
I know, I know -- I am one of many who have whored themselves to myspace -- but its cool because its like one big online reunion. I'm an addict -- I need a 12 step program... c'mon -- join -- everyone is doing it... LOL
So Thanksgiving is tomorrow. Duh, right? Everyone is blogging about it -- and what they are thankful for.
Well, I shall conform. Call me a follower. Go ahead.
In a season where family is the center, I have had such a blow to my life. My best friends Daddy, a man I have known, loved and sometimes feared (lol) for almost 18 years, was diagnosed with a very serious form of leukemia and has not been given a positive diagnosis. My heart has been breaking for my friend. She is my sister to me and I cannot take this pain from her, nor can I walk this walk For her. I can however walk beside her and hold her hand and cry with her and smile with her and be strong for her. I am so thankful for that -- we have a bond and I can't buy that or recreate that -- it's us, and I love her. My mind cannot drift far from she and her family though -- and what they are facing.
Of course, above and beyond all else... I am thankful for these people and what they mean to my life.

What am I saying? They ARE my life and my reason for getting up and breathing end and out every day...
Thank you God for my life and my family, for health and happiness, friends and loved ones, and for reminding us how awesome and fragile life can really be.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
I did however, want to take the time to update you on life here. All is well with us. Monty started a new job with OTR (Offroad Tire Recycling) and he is loving it. The great thing is that we will be transferring to another city soon so that Monty can run one of the hubs for the company. Those who must know where can email me.
If you are wondering why I dont blog as much anymore I have one word for you...
I know, I know -- I am one of many who have whored themselves to myspace -- but its cool because its like one big online reunion. I'm an addict -- I need a 12 step program... c'mon -- join -- everyone is doing it... LOL
So Thanksgiving is tomorrow. Duh, right? Everyone is blogging about it -- and what they are thankful for.
Well, I shall conform. Call me a follower. Go ahead.
In a season where family is the center, I have had such a blow to my life. My best friends Daddy, a man I have known, loved and sometimes feared (lol) for almost 18 years, was diagnosed with a very serious form of leukemia and has not been given a positive diagnosis. My heart has been breaking for my friend. She is my sister to me and I cannot take this pain from her, nor can I walk this walk For her. I can however walk beside her and hold her hand and cry with her and smile with her and be strong for her. I am so thankful for that -- we have a bond and I can't buy that or recreate that -- it's us, and I love her. My mind cannot drift far from she and her family though -- and what they are facing.
Of course, above and beyond all else... I am thankful for these people and what they mean to my life.

What am I saying? They ARE my life and my reason for getting up and breathing end and out every day...
Thank you God for my life and my family, for health and happiness, friends and loved ones, and for reminding us how awesome and fragile life can really be.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
I've been tagged!
This was fun! Thanks Jen!
Three people who make me laugh:
My husband -- he IS the funniest guy I know
My "almost" four year old daughter - Jin - everything is new to her and she embraces it all with gusto -- its charming - and hilariously wonderful.
Three things I can do:
Perform in front of thousands (the more the better)
Make people feel comfortable and at home around me.
Find bargains like nobody's business.
Three things I can't do:
Swim in the ocean (it terrifies me and I want to so badly!)
Speak fluent conversational Greek (and I am a Greek! For shame!)
Three things I'm doing right now:
Eating crackers, cheese and grape tomatoes (my favorite snack)
Doing this while simultaneously watching "Working Girl" on cable.
marathon laundry
Three things I want to do before I die:
Travel through Europe and visit Greece with my Daddy (my ultimate wish)
Play Mamma Rose in "Gypsy"
See my four daughters become Mothers themselves and someday take my Grandbabies to Disneyworld. (so... thats several. I know)
Three things I hate the most:
These mean little bitch clones that my daughters have to go to school with.
The extreme judgement that you can actually receive from your OWN church.
Ridiculously stupid drivers
Three things that scare me:
Bugs like roaches, big spiders and most of all JUNE BUGS!
Not knowing where my children are at all times.
Another family member dying on me.
Three things I don't understand:
HOW America can forget about the horror of what happened on 9/11
Where our national pride and troop support is! (all three very political but I have been thinking alot on this lately with the 11th coming up)
Three skills I'd like to learn:
Guitar -- I want to be able to sit down, play and sing a song and I still cant do that!
I'd like to be fluent in Greek still!
I want to know Photoshop inside and out.
Three ways to describe my personality:
Three things I think you should listen to:
Your Children playing (they say the funniest things)
All types of music
The news I guess -- gotta know what is going on in the world.
Things you should never listen to:
Hateful people
Telemarketers (I'm with you Jen!)
Sensationalism in the media
Three favorite foods:
Cheese (its my weakness)
Ice Cream
Monty's awesome breakfasts -- they are fast becoming #1
Three beverages I drink regularly:
Sweet Tea
Three shows I watched as a kid:
Sesame Street
The Electric Company
Brady Bunch
Blogs I've passed this on to:
Do it -- I dare you!
Three people who make me laugh:
My husband -- he IS the funniest guy I know
My "almost" four year old daughter - Jin - everything is new to her and she embraces it all with gusto -- its charming - and hilariously wonderful.
Three things I can do:
Perform in front of thousands (the more the better)
Make people feel comfortable and at home around me.
Find bargains like nobody's business.
Three things I can't do:
Swim in the ocean (it terrifies me and I want to so badly!)
Speak fluent conversational Greek (and I am a Greek! For shame!)
Three things I'm doing right now:
Eating crackers, cheese and grape tomatoes (my favorite snack)
Doing this while simultaneously watching "Working Girl" on cable.
marathon laundry
Three things I want to do before I die:
Travel through Europe and visit Greece with my Daddy (my ultimate wish)
Play Mamma Rose in "Gypsy"
See my four daughters become Mothers themselves and someday take my Grandbabies to Disneyworld. (so... thats several. I know)
Three things I hate the most:
These mean little bitch clones that my daughters have to go to school with.
The extreme judgement that you can actually receive from your OWN church.
Ridiculously stupid drivers
Three things that scare me:
Bugs like roaches, big spiders and most of all JUNE BUGS!
Not knowing where my children are at all times.
Another family member dying on me.
Three things I don't understand:
HOW America can forget about the horror of what happened on 9/11
Where our national pride and troop support is! (all three very political but I have been thinking alot on this lately with the 11th coming up)
Three skills I'd like to learn:
Guitar -- I want to be able to sit down, play and sing a song and I still cant do that!
I'd like to be fluent in Greek still!
I want to know Photoshop inside and out.
Three ways to describe my personality:
Three things I think you should listen to:
Your Children playing (they say the funniest things)
All types of music
The news I guess -- gotta know what is going on in the world.
Things you should never listen to:
Hateful people
Telemarketers (I'm with you Jen!)
Sensationalism in the media
Three favorite foods:
Cheese (its my weakness)
Ice Cream
Monty's awesome breakfasts -- they are fast becoming #1
Three beverages I drink regularly:
Sweet Tea
Three shows I watched as a kid:
Sesame Street
The Electric Company
Brady Bunch
Blogs I've passed this on to:
Do it -- I dare you!
Kotex Tips for Life
I dont know who wrote this -- but it gave me such a laugh that I had to post it! Ladies, get ready for a chuckle... Gentlemen --try to keep up.
I recently noticed that the peel-off strip of my pantiliner had a bunch
of"Kotex Tips for Life" on it. Annoying advice such as:
*Staying active during your period can relieve cramps.
*Avoiding caffeine may help reduce cramps and headaches.
*Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day to keep you hydrated and feeling fresh.
*Try Kotex blah blah blah other products...
Obviously the individual behind this was someone who has never possessed
a functioning set of ovaries. Go ahead and tell a menstruating woman that
drinking 6-8 glasses of water will help keep her feeling fresh. Like we
need more fluid inside our bloated bodies from hell...but go ahead...I
triple-dog-friggen-dare-ya... See what happens and report back.
I'll wait.
While you're at it, dump out the coffee at work and remove the chocolate
from the vending machine. I garan-damn-tee you that the first responders
will be females who just ovulated.
Staying active will relieve headaches & cramps...well guess what, the
only activities that interest me is Eating..sleeping..bitching or crying for
no apparent reason.. ...and oh...does ripping someone's head off count as a
friggen' activity?????
Look, females don't need or want tips for living on their feminine
hygiene products. Younger girls are already hearing "helpful" crap like that from
elderly relatives. Veteran females have already concocted their own
recipes for survival, many containing alcohol & barbiturates.
Printing out crap advice while sneaking in ads for the brand that was
already purchased is just plain annoying, not to mention rude, and is
enough to send a girl running to the Always brand.
It's not a fun time, but DO NOT try to cheer us up by adding smiley faces
or bunnies or flowery cutesy crap to your products or the packaging. Put the
crap in a plain brown wrapper so we can throw it in our carts discreetly
and have it blend in among the wine and beer.
There is nothing more annoying than having a blinding pink package
announcing your uterine state to everyone in the store. Why don't ya just
add an in-store microphone to the damn package & announce that...helloooo,
another female in the store is starting!!!!!
So take your tips for living and your cute bunnies & the smiley faces and
shove them right up your ___!
P.S. How about adding a free sample of Pamprin & maybe a shot of Bourbon to
your packages instead?
I recently noticed that the peel-off strip of my pantiliner had a bunch
of"Kotex Tips for Life" on it. Annoying advice such as:
*Staying active during your period can relieve cramps.
*Avoiding caffeine may help reduce cramps and headaches.
*Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day to keep you hydrated and feeling fresh.
*Try Kotex blah blah blah other products...
Obviously the individual behind this was someone who has never possessed
a functioning set of ovaries. Go ahead and tell a menstruating woman that
drinking 6-8 glasses of water will help keep her feeling fresh. Like we
need more fluid inside our bloated bodies from hell...but go ahead...I
triple-dog-friggen-dare-ya... See what happens and report back.
I'll wait.
While you're at it, dump out the coffee at work and remove the chocolate
from the vending machine. I garan-damn-tee you that the first responders
will be females who just ovulated.
Staying active will relieve headaches & cramps...well guess what, the
only activities that interest me is Eating..sleeping..bitching or crying for
no apparent reason.. ...and oh...does ripping someone's head off count as a
friggen' activity?????
Look, females don't need or want tips for living on their feminine
hygiene products. Younger girls are already hearing "helpful" crap like that from
elderly relatives. Veteran females have already concocted their own
recipes for survival, many containing alcohol & barbiturates.
Printing out crap advice while sneaking in ads for the brand that was
already purchased is just plain annoying, not to mention rude, and is
enough to send a girl running to the Always brand.
It's not a fun time, but DO NOT try to cheer us up by adding smiley faces
or bunnies or flowery cutesy crap to your products or the packaging. Put the
crap in a plain brown wrapper so we can throw it in our carts discreetly
and have it blend in among the wine and beer.
There is nothing more annoying than having a blinding pink package
announcing your uterine state to everyone in the store. Why don't ya just
add an in-store microphone to the damn package & announce that...helloooo,
another female in the store is starting!!!!!
So take your tips for living and your cute bunnies & the smiley faces and
shove them right up your ___!
P.S. How about adding a free sample of Pamprin & maybe a shot of Bourbon to
your packages instead?
Sara Bears first day of first grade...
First day of school... she did great. We were so proud of her -- no problems at all.
We went across the street to the daycare there to get information for Jin and LITERALLY there was a daycare teacher out in her caron break smoking a cig and DRINKING A BEER... 9:30 in the morning.
We won't be taking our daughter there...
Here are some pics of Sara's first day... I ca't blink -- if I do I will open my eyes to see her graduating from highschool...

We went across the street to the daycare there to get information for Jin and LITERALLY there was a daycare teacher out in her caron break smoking a cig and DRINKING A BEER... 9:30 in the morning.
We won't be taking our daughter there...
Here are some pics of Sara's first day... I ca't blink -- if I do I will open my eyes to see her graduating from highschool...

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