

OK, so tonight Monty and I are walking through Penn Square Mall when this man walks by us that I know I have seen before. Monty and i look at each other and we both say "OMG, that was Armand Asante" My cell rang and it was my step-brother, Brandon. I proceed to tell him that I just about got ran over by a hasty Armand Asante when I look to my left and Mr. Armand the great is walking beside me (as I am telling Brando that I just saw him... how embarassing), Monty - ever the outgoing and cordial southern gentleman, proceeds to ask him "excuse me sir, but are you Armand Asante?"
He barely looks at Monty, says YES (angrily, AS IF MONTY WAS A STALKER) and does a complete 180 in the other direction. I remember when my best friend Tami and I were at Disneyworld this spring, we ran into Diane Lane, Josh Brolin (hubba, hubba) and their family. She smiled and was pleasant. Mr. Mambo King on the other hand - well, lets just say he must not have taken his Xanax today.
Ok... so here is where Joy bitches...
MR. ASANTE - You are shooting a low budget vampire flick in an Oklahoma mall. You have no "people" surrounding you - no big body guard named Guido - NADA. You are no Al Pacino - no Sean Connery. Your last movie was a made for TV movie of The Oddesey, and while although very good - was only on TV. I will give you Mambo Kings. I liked that movie, but quite frankly, you have NO ROOM to be snippy and hateful to potential fans. It's people like us who make you mildly popular, but its "stars" like you that will never be as big as Brando, Pacino, Connery, etc.
Get off your stupid Trojan horse and swallow your pride. We know you were lost in the mall - had you been nice we could have told you where to go - - other than hell. Oh, and by the way - have a nice day.

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