
Jennie Rikkola-Prince - -The Coolest Chickadee in the World

This weekend I got to see someone whom I was very close to in High school - Jennie Rikkola-Prince. She is the girl who taught me the right way to drink Tequila, the girl who loved to jam to November Rain with me, the girl who dated twins one summer with me. We drove around in her little S-10 named "Huey" all summer, singing "I Wanna Sex You Up", danced around at Color Me Badd concerts and thought we were the baddest chicks in town. We sang in a show called Follies together in Tulsa on summer. Her friends were my friends - and we were the BEST of friends. Her Mom was like another Mom to me, and her house felt like home.
Eleven years have passed, and we have kept semi-sorta in touch by the miracle of e-mail. She's gotten married (to Mark, her "prince") and had two of the most exquisite daughters I have ever seen (Taylor and Chloie). And she just had the most handsome little devil (Gavin) and still looks dynamite in a swimsuit (biotch!) Me, as you well know, am married (9 years in 22 days) and had 4 daughters - (equally exquisite, LOL) We are grown-ups. We are wives - -WE are PARENTS!
SHE IS STILL THE COOLEST CHICK I KNOW. She is freckled as ever and every freckle is sexy as hell. That's what makes her cool.

She has bright red hair that looks like she was born with it. Thats what makes her cool.

She can be so laid back and non-chalent. That is what makes her cool.

She has such fashion sense and savvy that you can't help but stare. Thats what makes her cool!

It's her self-confidence that make her the coolest though. People want to be around Jen and she is the most fun no matter is you are at the "cassina" staring at a slot machine or sitting in her parents living room talking. (BTW, it still feels like home when you walk in the door. AND her Dad is the coolest ever as well - I think her parents rubbed off all their coolness on her). I spent a day and a half with her and I wish she would move back to Owasso from North Carolina so that I could be close to her again. It was instantly like she never left, like I had seen her every day - not 9 whole years ago.

Being her friend makes me cool. She has no idea the impact that she made on me. Our friendship defined a huge part of my teenage years. She has no clue how much I miss her in my life.

It's great how God puts people in our lives when we need them most, and teaches you something about yourself every time.SO, here's to Jennie - undoubtedly the coolest chickadee I know. May we be friends forever....CHEERS... and


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