
Pondering the Blogging Phenomenon

So I thought that I would look at other blogs that were not in my little circle of friends tonight. I had fun peering into other people's lives - even other people's subconscious. It is amazing what a person will write down for the world to see. I read about some guy in New York City that thinks his doorknob to his bedroom is haunted. How fun is that? Who needs prime time TV? It was like finding someone's diary and reading it, even though you know what a no-no it is to do that. It really got me thinking... (I know, hold on to your hats)

I mean, if you really want to be realistic, blogging is a lot like voyeurism or even exhibitionism. The only difference is that you don't feel like you need a slap on the wrist after doing so. ;)
By writing in this blog, I am extending to you a peek into my little world. Putting it out there on exhibition. And you read it...

However, you choose to be anonomous. You never comment on my blogs... how very voyeuristic of you all.

You sickos...



I might need a second mortgage to pay for gasoline

I just got gas for $1.97 at 7-11 and I am SO giddy that I can't hardly believe it. HOW SAD IS THAT? I think I may send Monty up htere to fill his car as well. Does anyone remember when we paid .87 for gas?


The great state of Tulsa

I shudder to think of what they are teaching my teenagers in school nowadays, especially in Geography. I came across a ticket stub that my Dad had from when I as in the Miss Muskogee pageant. My oh so precious and very blonde daughter Amber then asked me if Muskogee is a state. Earlier this year she asked if Tulsa was a state. This disturbs me...we visit "the great state of Tulsa" every 6-8 weeks! Back to Muskogee though. Her dear, sweet mother, ever the sarcastic one, said "well, geez Amber, what do you think?" She said that she did, in fact, think that it was a state at which point I asked her where Muskogee was. She said it was by Kansas. Oooh muh Gawd.I let her think she was right for a few minutes before I told her the harsh reality of her little world. I had to do something before she aspired to run for Governor of the state of Muskogee when she grew up.
What are they saying to these kids at school? Are they teaching them the states? Hello? Is her geography teacher too busy filing her nails? My child is in 6th grade and has no clue about most of the states.
Now I normally HATE it when my parents pull that "when I was young" bit, but here goes...

We had to learn SONGS about the states. We had to learn their capitols. We had to write them all down in test format. We learned jokes about them, we used acronyms, etc. Our teachers may not have been able to get us to memorize the countries of the world, but at the very least, we knew the states of the country we LIVED in. Geez oh Pete.

As an aside, I remember a joke that was something like "What did Delaware to Virginia's party? New Jersey."

"Blogging Virgin"

Wow. So this is what it feels like to "blog." Well, it does not hurt as bad as when I lost another kind of virginity...

OK, so several of my friends have asked me to start a blog. Here you go, my dear, pushy friends. You are not allowed to criticize my terrible grammar, spelling and poor typing skills. I will remind you that most of the time I am only working on a few hours of precious sleep and am only a few lost hours from a breakdown! That, and I will take this opportunity to admit that I cheated in typing in High school. I am sure that Carla Cross, the girl that did my typing in class for me is an excellent typist, I however received nothing from Intro. to typing.

Today I heard from a very dear, long lost friend - Tracy. It was her blog site that I read and liked well enough to start one on. I was reminded how awesome she was and how she totally affected my life when we were kids. She is such a refreshing and funny person. I have missed her. God is so cool. He always knows when you need someone back in your life. She has girls too. Praise God - someone who may understand my pink infused, Barbie riddled, princess, fairy & Disney soaked existence!!!

Jin, our resident two year old terrorist, came into my room tonight as I was watching 24 and proceeded to "fart" and laugh and say "got you" and run out. Clearly she is spending too much time with her Daddy. We must stop the evil. Oooohhhhh I love the 2's.

Can I also just announce that Crystal, the bad influence in my life has gotten my stuck on another TV show. This TV junkie got me hooked on American Idol, and no my heart is set on "24." Keifer Sutherland (hubba, hubba) is awesome in this show! I am renting all the DVD's from Hollywood Video until I catch up to this season. You guys HAVE to watch it if you don't already. Don't worry though, I do not turn the TV on for any other show ... yet.

Well, here you go. My first ever blog. I am no longer a blogging virgin. And the nice thing is I don't have to worry about whether or not you'll call me tomorrow...