
"Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! "

"Now get the heck out of my house".

Thank God for Southern Comfort and eggnog. And Ouzo... being Greek, it's the extra food group added to every holiday festivity. The "Holiday lubricant" if you will. That is what my husband calls it. And wine, lovely wine - -the elixer of the Gods.

We had 4 Christmases in a 24 hour period - 3 of which were at my casa.

By 11 pm that night I was ready to kick every beloved family member right on out of my house. Every last one - even the ones I love!

My house was a disaster area. My trash cans were full to the brim. My nerves were raw, frazzeled live wires, and you know what??

I'll do it allllllll again next year.


Visit to Santa

Here it is - - the visit to the big man himself! Sara talked his poor ear off and completly edged Jin out of any convo time with Santa. It's really okay though because Jin just stared at him with a huge smile on her face. Sara asked him alllllll kinds of questions. Things like; "Is the reindeers name Donner of Donder? What is your favorite kind of cookie?" Then she proceeded to tell Santa about the picture she drew of him and exact directions on how to find it on Christmas Eve. When it came time for the picture they just turned around and smiled - - it was so easy. The photographer said "WOW, if they could all be like that."
This was the very first time it was easy...
I love Jins hair thingy's - - she looks like a freakin elf! Wow, her ahir is getting much lighter, huh? SHe might have hair like me!

Anyhoo, Merry Christmas - one and all!


I am so demotivated - - I just can't do a blog today...

Man oh man, this cold snowy weather really makes me want to curl up on hte couch in front of the fire, watch movies and crosstitch! Sorry folks - - just enjoy today's demotivator.
There is no greater joy than soaring high on the wings of your dreams, except maybe the joy of watching a dreamer who has nowhere to land but in the ocean of reality.
Oh admit it you goody-two-shoes - - we ALL love to watch it happen!
Stay warm!!


More demotivation anyone??

There are no stupid questions, but there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots.
Isn't that the truth this holiday season? Especially in the Walmart parking lot. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.


Demotivator of the Day

That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Have a great Monday my darlings!
- J